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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Crisis Text Line (Anxiety, Depression, School): 741741

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National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

Crisis Text Line (Anxiety, Depression, School): 741741

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Michiana Families Need Support

Get a mentor or Care Team


Are you a foster or adoptive family?

Volunteers from our community provide mentoring to youth (particularly foster and adoptive youth) and wrap-around care for foster and adoptive families.

Be a mentor or Care Team


Are you ready to get involved?

Volunteer to spend time with a youth in the Michiana community or build a care team to love and support a Michiana foster family.



Willing to support in another way?

Donations not only help these programs exist, but also enable special and emergency support for foster families in our community.

Foster Families and Children Need Local Community Support

Foster families are struggling due to lack of support, insufficient representation, and inadequate resources to treat children's emotional and social needs.


of foster families quit within the first year.


of children who age out of care will not obtain a high school diploma.


of children in foster care will graduate from college.

Every foster parent and child deserves hope, support, education, and an advocate. Kids in foster care have no control over their situation. They deserve to be loved and encouraged. Foster parents take on a huge responsibility. They deserve adequate support and encouragement.


Our Solution

Michiana Family Center is committed to connecting foster youth and foster families in Michiana with Michiana volunteers. This raises support for foster families in Michiana and encouragement for foster children so they can thrive as children and adults.

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    Michiana Mentors

    We offer a comprehensive mentor program with 9 areas of focus for middle and high school students to help shape their future by empowering them to achieve. 

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    Michiana Care Teams

    We put a team of people around the family so they don’t feel alone and discouraged in the midst of an emotionally hard situation.

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    Foster Parent Support Groups

    Support groups facilitated via MFC provide emotional and practical encouragement to foster and adoptive parents. In-person and virtual options are both available.

Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For indeed, that's all who ever have.

Margaret Mead

Interested in Finding a Mentor?


Request More Information

Have questions about mentoring for yourself or your foster youth? An MFC staff member would love to talk to you about our programs!


Fill Out An Application

Give us some information about you; what you like to do, what you'd like to learn, how you have fun.


Get Connected with a Mentor

MFC staff will pair you with a local caring adult who is ready to hang out, have fun, and get to know you.

About Michiana Family Center

Michiana Family Center seeks to collaborate with our community to provide services for Michiana children, especially those experiencing Foster Care. Many children who have experienced Foster Care struggle to live as independent adults. We collaborate with our community to provide services, so all children have the tools they need to succeed and add value to their communities. Through Michiana Mentors, we provide opportunities to help the youth experiencing Foster Care and their future.

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